
July 12, 12 PM CT

AI, R&D, & The IRS – Cutting Edge or Compliance Nightmare?

The new 6765 for R&D credits now requires taxpayers to provide substantiation for their claim upon filing. This creates a burden many firms are not equipped to handle, and many businesses are turning to third parties who are using methods and shortcuts that are not endorsed by the IRS.

Sonny Grover, Executive Vice President

Sonny Grover

Chris Stephenson, Managing Director of AI & Digital Services

Chris Stephenson

Darren Guillot, alliantgroup National Director, Former IRS Deputy Commissioner of the Small Business/Self Employed Division

Darren Guillot

Eric Hylton, alliantgroup National Director, Former IRS Commissioner of the Small Business/Self Employed Division

Eric Hylton

July 11, 12 PM CT

AI Gold Mine or Landmine? Smart Applications and Risky Ventures

Everyone is coming out of the woodwork with AI tools and solutions that are going to “revolutionize your business.” But where does AI fit in your business and where would it be a bad idea? alliantgroup has deployed nearly 40 AI solutions across our firm, but we’ve also had experiments that just haven’t worked out.

Chris Stephenson, Managing Director of AI & Digital Services

Chris Stephenson

Jamie Fowler, Vice Chair of Intelligent Automation & Artificial Intelligence

Jamie Fowler

Chuck Wilson, Chairman of Technology; and Executive Director of the National Systems Contractors Association

Chuck Wilson

Darren Guillot, alliantgroup National Director, Former IRS Deputy Commissioner of the Small Business/Self Employed Division

Darren Guillot

May 1, 12 PM CT

Update on Senate Vote for 174 Tax Bill

The R&D tax credit and deduction are crucial for SMBs, driving innovation, employment, and growth. Unfortunately, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act introduced amortization for Section 174 expenses, adversely affecting SMBs dependent on these refunds for research and operational improvements.

Dean Zerbe, alliantgroup National Managing Director, Former Sr. Counsel, U.S. Senate Finance Committee

Dean Zerbe

Rick Lazio, alliantgroup Sr. Vice President, Former U.S. Congressman

Rick Lazio

April 26, 12 PM CT

Sharyn Fisk Highlights CPAs’ Role in ERC Claims: A Timely Call to Action

In a recent statement, Sharyn Fisk draws attention to the crucial responsibility that CPAs hold in ensuring their clients are safeguarded when it comes to Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims. This timely reminder underscores the importance of proactive measures that CPAs must take to protect both their clients and their financial well-being.

Darren Guillot, alliantgroup National Director, Former IRS Deputy Commissioner of the Small Business/Self Employed Division

Darren Guillot

March 5, 12 PM CT

Unveiling Tax Relief Incentives: Empowering the Food Processors Industry for Growth and Sustainability

In this informative session, we will be diving into Section 41 which rewards food processors for their everyday activities. This incentive gives companies the resources they need to increase company value, invest in new equipment, attract, and retain technical talent, and continue innovating.

Rick Lazio, alliantgroup Sr. Vice President, Former U.S. Congressman

Rick Lazio

Tracy Lustyan, Managing Director

Tracy Lustyan

February 27, 12 PM CT

Tax Relief for American Families and Jobs Act

Many architects, engineers, manufacturers, and software developers are unaware that recent legislation could put dollars back into their business as early as this year.
The Tax Relief for American Families and Jobs Act of 2024 has passed the House of Representatives and is currently being deliberated by the Senate.

Rick Lazio, alliantgroup Sr. Vice President, Former U.S. Congressman

Rick Lazio

Brian Aumueller, Managing Director

Brian Aumueller

Anthony Scinto, MMB+CO Tax Partner

Anthony Scinto

February 17, 12 PM CT

Breaking News from Capitol Hill: Is There Finally a Fix for Section 174? 

With a rumored solution for 174 amortizations, the R&D tax credit could put cash back into businesses’ pockets before the next deadline. ERC is coming to an end, but the new tax bill may cut off claims earlier than expected. What does this mean for eligible businesses?

Rick Lazio, alliantgroup Sr. Vice President, Former U.S. Congressman

Rick Lazio

Dean Zerbe, alliantgroup National Managing Director, Former Sr. Counsel, U.S. Senate Finance Committee

Dean Zerbe

Joe Crowley, Former U.S. Congressman; Chairman for Job Creation and Retention

Joe Crowley

January 31, 12 PM CT

The Most Permanent and Powerful Deduction: The New 179D

Under recently expanded guidance, this deduction can now be worth up to $5 a square foot for businesses who work on public projects, including nonprofits and tribal lands.

Rick Lazio, alliantgroup Sr. Vice President, Former U.S. Congressman

Rick Lazio

Neil Shah, Senior Director

Neil Shah

January 1, 12 AM CT

Unlocking the latest guidance on ERC claims: New Programs and Approaching Deadlines

The healthcare industry was one of the highest impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, and as such pop-up ERC shops have been inundating businesses within this field. ERC has been heavily exploited by these fly by night providers and businesses need to know how the credit has changed including the right questions to ask to remain compliant.

Sonny Grover, Executive Vice President

Sonny Grover

Sara Khalifa, Senior Director

Sara Khalifa

January 1, 12 AM CT

R&D and Section 174: Changes, Uncertainty and Solutions

Changes to the Research and Development Tax Credit and Section 174 are major issues currently impacting engineers and architects. Section 174 has increased tax payments for many business owners, and we want to ensure CPA’s and their clients are aware of the new installment payment program recently introduced by the IRS.

Sonny Grover, Executive Vice President

Sonny Grover